When your order will be shipped, we will send you an email with a link. You will be able to track your order using the link. Also, you can check shipment status from the box below entering the order name and your email.

Order number
Your email

If you just received a shipment notification, please allow 3 to 5 working days to update the tracking information.

Tracking FAQ

When will I get my order?

We are proud to offer worldwide shipping via DHL, USPS, and other prestigious firms! Please keep in mind that the usual time for order processing is 7-10 business days. Some products ship within 4-5 days. Once your order has been dispatched, it will take approximately 7 and 20 business days for delivery. When you purchase products, the specific delivery and processing time will show in the checkout.

Please note: Your order can be split into some shipments, you will have a notification as well as a tracking ID for each parcel if shipped separately.

Can I add or remove products from my order?

Sorry! We start processing an order once it is placed so that the delivery can arrive on time. Because of this, we are not able to make any changes for your order after placing.

Where can I find my order number?

You will receive a confirmation email. At the beginning of this email you will find the order number. So, please check your inbox and also the spam folder for the confirmation email. If you are not able to find your confirmation email, click on the forgot my order number.